Norbar Torque Tools
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Phone #44 (0) 1295 753600
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We Warranty?No
Lead Time14 days
Company Info
Cutting edge: Norbar’s state-of-the-art factory facilities ensure we provide the very latest design, manufacturing and quality control technology to achieve the highest level of innovation and precision in the field of torque control equipment.
Family values - Descendants of the founder, Bill Brodey, still participate in the business and the company remains every bit as passionate about providing customers with the highest quality products and services as Bill was when manufacturing that first torque wrench.
Our Larger Family – Norbar is now a member of the Snap-on Incorporated family of companies and is proud to be part of a company which has beliefs, values and a vision closely aligned with those that Norbar was founded on.
We do not provide warranty for this brand of tools. We can provide service or source parts for you.
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