SK Tools
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Phone #800-822-5575 / 800-U-CALL-SK
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We Warranty?No
Lead Time14 days
Company Info
SK Tools USA, LLC was founded in the early 1900s as the Sherman-Klove Company by Mason H. Sherman and Noah Grover Klove. In the early days, we specialized in contract work, producing tools and parts for other companies. After a brief period producing munitions and mortar shell casings during WWI, we returned to our true love and what still drives us today – manufacturing quality tools for the American technician. From the original Round-Headed Ratchet to the SK® X-FRAME® Ratcheting Wrench, we’ve been innovating for American professionals since day one.
Today, SK Tools USA, LLC manufactures over 1500 products and continues our commitment to providing quality innovation to the toughest professionals in the world.
SK Tools is no longer in business. We do not provide warranty service for this line of tools anymore. We cannot order any more parts or provide service for this brand of tools. Please check our website to see if we still have the parts you need for your tool.