SP Air USA, Inc
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Phone #614-529-6600
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We Warranty?Yes
Lead Time42 days
Company Info
You might ask yourself why you should buy SP Air Products over all other air tools. The answer isn’t that complicated, if you are looking for quality and reliability in your air tools the SP Air products are the tools for you.
The SP Air product line has been in business for around 40 years, supplying pneumatic tools to some of the top selling names in the air tool business, making private label tools for these companies has been their main business.
In 2013 we brought our brand to the tool warehouses for sale to the technicians in the automotive/ industrial channels. Technicians who appreciate having a tool that last 3-6 times longer than all other tools and also tools that have all the parts available at a reasonable price, which is an issue with other tool companies.
SP Air Corp. makes innovative tools that are not available through other tool companies, we are a full line manufacture of pneumatic ratchets, all sizes of impact guns, gear driven air saws, Flex Head Cutoff tools, die grinders, screwdrivers, chisels, sanders, polishers, air hammers even needle scalers.
So if you are looking for something different in air tools take a look at our website and see our videos on some of our best selling tools.
SP Air offers a limited warranty against defects on all products. Basic warranty coverage is as follows: Limited Warranty - All Products One (1) Year from Date of Purchase. Warranty Procedure: Defect products within warranty will be replaced or repaired, and are not to be destroyed in the field. ? Faulty products in Warranty are to be returned to Power Tool Repair in Ohio, address below. ? The product will not be warranty protected unless you Provide proof of purchase.